Prill Porsche Classics

Prill Porsche Classics

Author: prillporscheclassics

Memories of 2021

Time is flying by! 2021 is almost consigned to history and we are grateful to have experienced a much better year than 2020. We have been able to socialise and while not back to normality we did manage a racing season—albeit without some of the best events like the Le Mans Classic.

The classic car market has continued to polarise but still seems healthy in most if not all sectors. More owners are determined to use their cars and attend organised events and our business remains busy across all of the services we provide.

2021 was a year of increasing concern for many owners, fearing our beloved old cars would be banned because of the perception that they are not green. Classic cars are actually green and very close to net zero. The carbon cost of producing them was offset long ago, and they are both sustainable and capable of being repaired and maintained. This cannot be said about the accelerated carbon cost of producing electric cars. Yes, they have a benefit if you want to reduce emissions where they are being driven, but there is a corresponding increase of carbon emitted where they are being made and the transport of materials to those locations. The average annual use of a classic car is low and they emit less CO2 annually than your cellphone or home computer. The emergence of green fuel for our cars will see us continuing to enjoy our veterans, classics and young timers for the foreseeable future. As a good friend once told me, “in 1900 there were 21,000,000 horses in the USA alone but we still race them”.

2021 was also a year when our movement and sport lost far too many old friends and racing luminaries. Some were lost to Covid; many had simply reached the end of the road. They will all be much missed and fondly remembered. Our thoughts are with their families.

The emergence of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 will hopefully not affect what may be possible in 2022 and we remain positive that the progress towards normality can continue.

We send you our best wishes for a safe and healthy holiday season and a happy and prosperous New Year.

See you down the road in 2022

Andy and all the team at Prill Porsche Classics

Christmas 2021

2020: the year that wasn’t…

Prill Porsche - Christmas 2020

This time last year I said that the year ahead looked interesting, and interesting it has been, but in a way that no one could possibly have predicted—a world dominated by a global pandemic that has affected all our lives with unpredictable consequences.

Most of us have never before had to face a worldwide emergency, and thankfully so. Now that we have a vaccine hopefully the world can start getting back to normal again. Let’s also hope that it will be a new normal and we can make the world a better place post-Covid.

In the light of such a serious situation that has cost so many lives and changed other lives forever I am not going to comment on the classic car market, events or business. Suffice to say we are privileged to work within a great community and are grateful to remain busy. Our industry is worth £7.2 billion annually to the UK economy and much more to the wider world economy, so it has a big role in the economic recovery ahead.

Those of us who have remained well and have not been too badly affected should be very grateful. For those of you who have suffered ill health, lost loved ones or struggled in business you have our deepest sympathy.

Let’s look forward to a better year to come. A year in which we will get back to enjoying our cars and the events we all love, and can be thankful that we are able to.

Thank you to all of our clients and friends. Be safe, be well and be prosperous in 2021.

Best wishes in this holiday season.

The Prill Porsche Classics Team

Prill Porsche Classics – Reaction to Covid-19

Prevention and preparedness

Prill Porsche Classics is open for business as usual and as far as possible operating normally. We are monitoring and following government guidelines and we have adopted a cleaning and hygiene regime in accordance with suggested good practice.

We continue to provide all of our services and as far as possible the workshop is operating normally. Obviously we have a limited influence on external suppliers and providers but as far as possible we will continue to provide all of our services and we are currently operating our normal business hours.

The situation regarding 2020 events is constantly changing and the 2020 motorsport is already a mix of cancellations and postponements. We are constantly monitoring the situation to ensure we are able and ready to provide our usual level of support to our customers when required.

Visits are by appointment only but of course we are always available by telephone or email.

These are unprecedented times and we sincerely hope you all stay safe and well.

Yours sincerely,

Prill Porsche Classics

Merry Christmas from the team at Prill Porsche Classics

christmas jpeg

2018 is almost behind us and as we move forward into 2019, our 23rd year in the business, we can reflect on what has been a great 70th anniversary year for Porsche. We were present at most of the major anniversary events, the highlights of which were the Goodwood Festival of Speed, the Brands Hatch Festival and Rennsport VI all of which were truly amazing celebrations for the marque. Working with Porsche on the Rennsport committee was a great experience as well.

We are in a period of transition in the classic car market. Classic car values have come down and Porsches have not been immune to this trend. Some would see this as negative but the market was overheating and that is not good either so I for one remain positive about the future. Hopefully owners will get back to driving and enjoying their cars more because that is what they were built for.

Our workshop remains busy across all of the services that we provide and before we know it the new race season will be upon us too. We will kick off in April with the Goodwood Members’ Meeting when there will be another opportunity to see some iconic Porsche racing cars in action.

On behalf of all of the team here at Prill Porsche Classics we send you Season’s Greetings and wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

Best wishes.


Andy Prill


Article in Esses Magazine on Andy Prill’s 20th year at Laguna Seca

We were delighted to read this interesting article published in the December 2017 edition of Esses magazine about Andy Prill’s 20th year at Laguna Seca.  The Esses magazine is the official magazine of the Early 911S Registry, published quarterly –


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Short film on Prill Porsche Classics

Just before Christmas we were visited by Jeremy Heslup, Director of Valkyr Films.  Jeremy and his colleague Nima spent the day with us and we are pleased to be able to share the result with you. Many thanks to Jeremy and Nima for such an interesting and beautifully produced film.  Hope you enjoy it…

Credit: Valkyr Films and Praemio Productions

Automotive Engineer/Restorer

We have an exciting opportunity for an experienced automotive engineer to join our successful historic automotive engineering company. We are particularly looking for candidates with automotive restoration experience. We are one of the world’s leading classic Porsche specialists and have a world-wide reputation for high quality work in restoration, servicing, engine and gearbox building, race preparation and support.

Prior experience working on the Porsche marque is not essential but candidates must be able to demonstrate a proven track record in a similar role. We expect candidates to have excellent communication skills, work under their own initiative and as part of a team. This is an opportunity to join a dynamic and growing team.

Competitive salary based on skills and experience. This is a full time post.

Send your CV and a covering letter to Mrs Siobhan Prill, Prill Porsche Classics, PO Box 12252, Halstead, Essex CO9 9AW or by email to

Prill Porsche Classics at the Spa Six Hours (16-18 September 2016)

The longest and hardest endurance race for classic cars lived up to its reputation again in 2016. Andy participated this year with Robert Barrie as his co driver and they had a great race in a 1965 Porsche 911. Electing not to stress the car too much in qualifying and after Andy survived a ‘love kiss’ from an errant TVR at Bus Stop we lined line up 85th on the grid on a very large grid.

Spa x 2 - 17-09-2016

Robert started the race and endured a very hectic first few laps before settling into a battle with class rivals that lasted until the first pit stop, which gave our team and Andy a bit of a surprise when Robert arrived several laps early. Andy quickly donned his helmet and joined the fray, fuelled the car and got stuck in for a two hour stint driving into the darkness. Andy then handed back to Robert for an hour and Robert then handed the car back to Andy for the run to the finish. Unusually the race stayed dry until a minute after the checkered flag when the rain came.

Spa x 3 -17-09-2016

Reaching the end of such a long race unscathed and in a good position having avoided the inevitable carnage is always a great feeling and we achieved our objective of doing well and staying out of trouble. Other than normal race maintenance the car did not miss a beat and the engine lid was not opened during the entire six hours. After qualifying 85th we finished 42nd and that after making an additional driver change without which we would have been disputing being the first 911 home. In the end that honour went to old friends at JAZ who were our neighbours in the pits so well done to them. Eau Rouge is still the most awesome corner on any race track and we are looking forward to going back in 2017.


Merry Christmas from the team at Prill Porsche Classics

prill_porsche_christmas 2015

It is time to reflect on another busy year that has seen the company complete a buyout, a change of name and move to new premises. Despite the inevitable challenges of moving a business lock, stock and barrel we achieved the move remarkably well with minimal effect on our day-to-day activity. Thanks for this has to go to our loyal staff, who all went the extra mile to ensure that the move had a minimal effect on our clients.

The company is now settled into purpose-built premises that provide an excellent environment in which to work on classic Porsches of all types. Judging by the reaction from those of you who have already visited you like it too. We have hosted a couple of events and we will be doing more in the year ahead. There is always a warm welcome if you are passing by.

The company has had a couple of name changes over the years but 2016 will be our 24th year in the classic Porsche business. All aspects of our business continue to grow and the quality of cars we work on just keeps getting better. In 2015, servicing, engine and gearbox rebuilds, restoration and motorsport activity have all continued apace. Best of all, 2015 was a year in which we gained a lot of new friends and clients to expand on those that we already have.

We have worked on some stunning Porsche projects this year and there are more exciting projects and events coming in 2016.

This just leaves me to thank all of our clients and friends. Have a great Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Andy Prill

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